Brooklyn – Why We Love It, and Why It Loves Our Linen Service
We love Brooklyn, and we service a lot of businesses in the borough with out outstanding linen service. Our customers want their staff to look sharp at all times, and our Brooklyn, NY, linen service ensures that they do. It’s not just linens that we supply: we also supply all of their uniforms complete with their own logos. What’s in a name? Call it a linen service or a uniform service, Stamford Uniform and Linen does it all.
Along the way, we’ve learned some interesting and fun facts about Brooklyn over the years, so we thought we’d pass some of them along for your amusement.
For instance, did you know that there are no less than 2.5 million inhabitants in Brooklyn, or that two thirds of them use public transport to get to work each day? That’s an awful lot of buses and trains.
With all those residents, if Brooklyn was separated from the rest of New York, it would be the 4th largest populated city in the US. Who would have thought it?
The average age of Brooklynites is 34.7 years
No less than 38% of people living in Brooklyn were born outside the US.
The average price of an apartment in Brooklyn is now about $800,000!
Little Poland
Leaving aside Chicago, the Greenpoint area of the borough has the largest contingent of Polish immigrants in the US, which is no doubt why it is nicknamed “Little Poland”.
Brooklyn was named by Dutch colonists after a village in the Netherlands called Breuckelen.
The first bank credit card ever was used in Brooklyn in 1946 at the Flatbush National Bank.
Until almost the beginning of the 19th century, when it merged with New York, Brooklyn was a separate city. The merger was dubbed “The Great Mistake Of 1898” by the residents.
Completely Different Restaurants & a Completely Different Linen Service
Because of all the different ethnic groups in the borough – Chinese, Poles, Russians, Irish, Israelis, Italians, and more, you can’t drive more than 10 minutes in any direction without the scenery, the people, and perhaps best of all the cuisine, completely changing.
Brooklyn has no less than 30 miles of waterfront.
Maybe one of the funniest things about Brooklyn is that the BEST Brooklyn uniform and linen service (that’s us) isn’t in Brooklyn at all. It’s in Stamford. So, not only does Brooklyn have a unique cuisine scene… it also has a unique linen service (us).
That is actually a huge advantage for Brooklyn businesses who want to promote their brand with the finest uniforms and Brooklyn, NY, linen service – sporting their own logos – because we don’t have all the overheads associated with being physically in Brooklyn, so it means that we can offer our customers much lower rates.
It doesn’t matter that we are not “just around the corner”, because we deliver to Brooklyn every day of the week, so for all practical purposes we are “just around the corner”. To get a free, no obligation, quote to replace your existing linen service, just give us a call. You’ll be amazed at how much you can save!